Do you ever get that feeling…

When you get up in the morning and look in the mirror to put your make-up on, and you think the best thing to do would be to put a paper bag over your head because no amount of make-up is going to hide all that acne?


When you walk past a cute guy and hide behind your hair because he’d be disgusted if he saw the minefield of spots on your face?


When someone gets their camera out at a party and you shrink back into the crowd because you can’t bear there to be any lasting evidence of the state of your skin?


Sami Blackford is The Skin Stylist



When a woman is happy in her own skin, she can follow her dreams with confidence and become a powerful source for change in this world

 I’ve been there…

I know how difficult it is to wake up every morning and not like what you see when you look in the mirror.


That was me for so many years. 


I know how embarrassing and emotionally crippling a skin condition such as acne, eczema or psoriasis can be, and I’ll be honest, it took me a long time to come to terms with my skin and arrive at a place in my life where I feel I can actually share my story.


I’ve pretty much battled with acne for most of my life since puberty. I tried so many off-the-shelf products that my toiletries cupboard looked like a Chemists’ stockroom. Nothing seemed to work. A lot of the products just dried my skin out, which may have helped with the spots, but the dry and flaky patches looked just as bad.


I’m Sami Blackford, The Skin Stylist, and my absolute passion is helping women to come out of the shadows and shine their light into the world. 

After battling acne for many years, I finally found the secret path to clear and healthy skin, and I have since helped many women along the same journey.


Just as a fashion stylist helps her clients find the perfect clothes, colours and fit to showcase the very best versions of who they are, I help my clients find the perfect skincare, food and lifestyle to showcase they can (quite literally) face the world with confidence.


Work With Me 

Ready to dive right in?


Book your personalised Custom Consultation to get specific advice tailored to you, your skin, and your needs. Your Advanced Consultation is just £57.00

Advanced Consultation with The Skin Stylist
Follow-Up Consultation with The Skin Stylist
Power Hour Advanced Consultation with The Skin Stylist

My Visual Diary…
A sneaky peek behind the scenes of my life and my work…

For more health and wellness inspiration brought to you through pretty pictures, .