Berry Boost

experience the Berry Boost

experience the 


>> Healthier skin

(fewer blemishes, fewer eczema and/or psoriasis flare-ups, reduced oxidative stress)

>> Healthier hair

(faster-growing, thicker, stronger, shinier)

>> Healthier nails

(faster-growing, stronger)





Will it work for me?

Thousands of people have seen amazing results! Here are just a few of them…

Sami's Juice Plus before & after
Amy Williams Juice Plus before & after
Katie Jones' Juice Plus before & after

LYN founder, Sami Blackford, finally has colour and glow to her skin (and no-longer looks like a member of the un-dead)

Amy is now free from painful eczema flare-ups

Katie no-longer has to worry about spots and acne breakouts killing her self-confidence.

Imagine what the BERRY BOOST could do for you!

What’s included?


BERRY BOOST membership

>>> personal coaching from The Skin Stylist


>>> access to our private health & wellness community


>>> access to a range of health coaches


>>> skincare advice, tips and tricks


>>> 15% discount code for Freyaluna natural skincare products


>>> 1-month supply of our recommended supplements


>>> food and recipe inspiration


How much does it cost?

We’re glad you asked that question! You see, this is the absolute best bit.

You get all of that great stuff listed above, and can expect some great results, for only…




Ready to feel amazing in your own skin?

Yes? Awesome!


Click Here