Our History
Let’s start at the beginning (it’s a very good place to start)…
Always a creative, do-it-yourself sort of person, when our founder, Sami Blackford, was a child she read a book she found on her Mother’s bookshelf. It was one of those ‘body beautiful’ type of books, published by a magazine (she thinks it was possibly Vogue). This book had recipes for skincare products that you could make at home – face masks made of avocado and egg white, and the like. She spent many happy hours mixing these concoctions and playing ‘beauty salon’!
Take 2…
When Sami hit puberty she had terrible trouble with her skin (read more about this, here), after trying myriad over-the-counter and prescription products, Sami decided to go natural. She’d tried everything else, so there was no harm in trying this. She started experimenting, just as when she was a child, with different ingredients and recipes. Needless to say, she found her skin was much healthier when using these products, than using chemical-packed products.
Freyaluna was born…

Photo credit: Steve Markam www.photography.stevenmarkham.co.uk
In 2005, Sami was at a bit of a cross-roads in her life, with regard to her career, and looking for a new adventure, a new game to play (she’s never been the sort to hold the 9 – 5 office job!). One day, she was reading a magazine article about a woman who made soap. How wonderful, she thought, to be able to control what goes into the products you use on your skin, and thought ‘well I might just have a go of that!’
When researching soap-making on the internet and in books, she also found many traditional ‘old wives’ recipes for hand creams, cleansers, lip balms, etc. So, off she went on a bit of a tangent! The first product she made was a hand cream… Patchouli & Orange Hand Cream is still one of our best-sellers to this day! She then went on to research and create many new products for the first Freyaluna range… And the new product ideas are still coming thick and fast!
It would seem that natural skincare is something Sami was born to be involved with – from childhood, to puberty, and finally making it into a business in adulthood. You know what they say, third time lucky!
Since then, Sami has become a certified Herbalist and Aromatherapist, and is always looking to further her knowledge and understanding of health and skin issues, how the body works, and the benefits of an holistic approach to health.
A word from Sami…
“I founded Freyaluna to create natural skincare products that work to support the skin’s natural processes (instead of over-loading them with chemicals!) and help you get naturally beautiful skin.
From there, it has grown and evolved into Love Yourself Naturally – an online sanctuary of holistic natural skincare advice, information and recipes to help women like you navigate their own skincare issues.
I’ve made it my personal mission to reach out to you lovely ladies and to provide you with the information and support you need to get through this bit of your life {dealing with a skincare issue/problem}. I know you’re feeling down. I know it’s hard. And I know it feels oh so unfair. But rest assured, I know what you’re going through – I’ve been there, and at Love Yourself Naturally, you’re amongst friends.”