Written by Sami Blackford
Picture credit: Pinterest
My acne…?
Say what??!
It might seem like a strange thing to say, but it’s true. And before you go calling the men in white coats to come and cart me off, let me explain the two main reasons I love my acne…
Acne aids toxin removal
Acne breakouts are most commonly caused when something isn’t working as well as it could be within your body – usually your digestive and detoxification systems.
When these internal systems are over-worked and you get toxic build-up within your body (from eating unhealthy foods, stressing too much, negative emotions, or whatever it might be), your body asks your skin to pick-up the slack and help with to remove toxins from your body. Your body then pushes the toxins out of your body through your skin, and for me, acne is the result (some people might experience it differently by developing eczema flare-ups, sensitivity, or another skin problem).
I really don’t want these toxins left inside my body to build-up and create toxic congestion. Why? Because that can only lead one way: to much more serious health issues. So having these toxins removed from my body is a good thing.
Acne is my early warning system
As I’ve mentioned above, I experience acne breakouts when something inside my body isn’t working as well as it could be. So acne is my early-warning system which signals when I need to take better care of my self. It usually means I’ve let something slip – be it healthy eating, self-care, stress levels, or whatever.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who lets things slip from time to time. We’re all busy people. We have jobs to do, deadlines to meet, people who depend on us. And it’s not always easy to remember that we need looking after as well.
Acne is my body’s way of telling me there’s something wrong, and if I don’t assess my health and make changes then I’m on the road to further health problems.
I’m fairly sure I’ll never be absolutely free from acne. It’ll always be there, ready to help me out when I need a little reminder.
But with the changes I’ve made to my skincare routine, diet and lifestyle over the years, I know I’m a long way from the terrible and constant acne I used to experience. For all those years, my skin and my body were trying to tell me something really important, but I just didn’t understand their language. Now I can easily interpret their message and make alter whatever I need to to get back to my healthy skin.
Speak soon, my lovely,
Sami Blackford is an Holistic Skincare Specialist, the force of passion behind Love Yourself Naturally, and founder of the Freyaluna natural skincare brand.
After battling acne for many years, Sami finally found the secret path to clear and healthy skin, and she has since made it her mission to reach out to women around the world and help them along the same journey. Using a unique blend of natural skincare, nutrition and lifestyle advice, and a caring nature, she guides women to the healthy skin they deserve to see reflected in the mirror.