Words by Shannon Kingsley
Picture credit: Dmitriy Raykin
So you want healthy looking skin? Don’t we all? But did you know that what you put inside your body may actually be more important than products that you put on your skin? Regardless of how much you spend on beauty creams and products, if you don’t feed your skin the nutrients it needs from your diet, your skin will never look its best.
Because of this, we have put together 5 foods that are super easy to include in your diet that will help keep your skin healthy and looking great. From the inside out.
Berries have many great health benefits for you and they are also awesome for your skin. They are high in antioxidants and rich in vitamin C. This is especially true for blueberries. Studies have shown that people who eat foods high in vitamin C from vegetables and fruits have fewer wrinkles than those who don’t include them in their diet. Vitamin C is great for collagen production which is needed for firmer skin. The antioxidants from berries can also help your body fight off blemishes, leading to clearer skin.
Orange Foods
Orange foods especially vegetables such as sweet potatoes, squash, and carrots are high in beta-carotene which gives them their orange color. But that’s not all it does. It also helps protect the skin from free radical damage. They protect the skin from the harmful suns radiation and can actually reduce scaling and roughness of the skin.
Who would have thought? Eggs are actually really great for your skin. They are rich in vitamin A, which helps your skin repair itself. Eggs are also a great source of biotin which is a vitamin B. If you want healthy skin and nails, this is essential. The protein in eggs is a great source of amino acids which plays an important part in improving the health of your skin. These amino acids are used to generate proteins such as collagen and elastin which strengthens your skin tissue.
Cabbage is really high in vitamin C. It actually contains more vitamin C than oranges! Cabbage helps heal damaged tissues and minimizes deep lines on your skin. It also contains plenty of vitamin A, which helps to smooth lines in your skin. Cabbage can also help your look healthy and glow as it is high in potassium. Potassium helps purify your body and skin and is high in vitamin E. You can even use cabbage on your skin to help relieve symptoms of eczema, acne, psoriasis, insect bites, rashes, and more. Simply blend cabbage and wrap it in a cloth. Apply to the skin for about 15 minutes. Adding cabbage to your diet along with regular application on the skin can help you heal these ailments faster.
Green Tea
Although not a food, green tea deserves a mention here as it is packed with antioxidants. This helps make your skin look healthier and younger. Green tea is also great for reducing acne as it helps reduce levels of an acne-producing hormone called dihydrotestosterone. According to studies, drinking green tea can also help prevent UVB-related skin damage and skin damage related to age. Suffering from sunburn? Well you can use chilled damp green tea bags to soothe the burn.
One final big tip to improve the look and feel of your skin is drink more water. Hydration is one of the most important things to get healthy skin so drink up and stay hydrated.
What do you eat to keep your skin looking good? Is there something I’ve missed of this list? Let us know in the comments below, we would love to hear from you.
After her second child Shannon was left with large stretch marks and is now passionate about helping others prevent and help reduce their own stretch marks. Currently studying to be a health coach at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. She can be found at www.curesforstretchmarks.com