Written by Christine Stummer
Photo credit: Getty
I said there were some exciting things happening this year and today’s article kicks-off one of them. This year we are delighted to welcome a whole host of amazing women to the Love Yourself Naturally family to share with you their expertise on a wide variety of topics across the health and wellbeing field.
To start the year off, and to help us get over our festive indulgences, I welcome Christine to the stage…
The holidays sure were fun weren’t they? Being surrounded by traditional comfort foods and excessive amounts of sweets can lead many of us to indulge in poor diet choices that lead to the hideous holiday blemish. In the past I’ve found myself trying to balance out my system by juggling my intakes of caffeine, salt, sugar, and alcohol. Sound familiar? You may be in need of a refresh to cure your holiday hangover!
Juice Refresh Basics
A healthy glow radiates from the inside out, which is a reflection of how we are feeling AND how we are eating. Skin problems can be the first sign of health issues going on inside. When the body gets overloaded with junk it diverts more energy to detoxing. When you feed your system well, it supports the crucial organs that create energy, stabilize hormones, and deliver a beautiful fresh face.
Simply adding a juice or smoothie to a healthy eating plan can help deliver copious amounts of nutrients to your body to support your natural detox system as well as support the crucial organs that create energy, stabilize hormones, and deliver a beautiful fresh face.
The right flavor combo can taste divine and deliver a powerful punch of living nutrients to stimulate collagen synthesis, increase blood circulation, protect you from free radicals, and sun damage.
Feed Your Inner Light
Certain nutrients like vitamins A, C, & E along with healthy fats work to support the various functions of our largest organ.
Vitamin A (retinol)
- Helps promote skin cell turnover, reduce wrinkles, and gives the skin a healthy yellow/orange tint
- Plant based carotenoids are converted by the body into retinoid
- Sources include carrots, kale, butternut squash, cantaloupe, and pumpkin
Vitamin C
- An incredible antioxidant that stimulates collagen synthesis
- Plant sources include bell peppers, dark leafy greens, broccoli, kiwi, cantaloupe, oranges, grapefruit, and strawberries.
Vitamin E
- Fat-soluble antioxidant
- Sources include almonds, spinach, Swiss chard, kale and avocado
Vitamin K
- Essential for proper absorption of vitamins A & D, and calcium.
- Plant sources include dark leafy greens, parsley, and broccoli
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
- Anti-inflammatory effect may reduce cases of acne and psoriasis
- Plant sources include flax seeds, walnuts, and cauliflower
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
To support our detox organs we will need lots of water to flush out the kidneys. Ready for some more good news? All natural juices and smoothies actually include water in them, whether in the fruit, vegetable, or by adding water as a base. Drinking healthy juices and smoothies along with additional water is extremely hydrating and just what your body needs to flush out the toxins.
Skin Saver Smoothie
Makes 2 medium smoothies
- 1 cup almond milk
- 1 cup of organic kale leaves
- 1 pitted & peeled avocado
- ½ cup fresh or frozen pineapple
- 1 tbs flax seeds or flax seed meal
Place all the ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth and creamy.
Kale is incredible for our skin because it contains vitamins A, C, E & K which all work together to support cell regeneration, detox of old cells, and collagen to hold everything tight. Avocado adds the healthy vitamin E along with the fat so that it can be absorbed. Adding the flax seeds finalizes the smoothie with Omega-3 fatty acids. The final touch of pineapple is what balances out the flavor with another boost of vitamin C. Together, they make a delicious and powerful treat that will have you forgetting all about your holiday hangover.
Christine Stummer is the Founder and CEO of Juicing Healthy LLC, Editor of Juicing Healthy Magazine, and author . With a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering and an MBA from The University of Chicago, Christine spent the first ten years of her career in various consulting capacities. Upon the birth of her son, she recognized her true passion for natural holistic living. She learned about juicing and blending and all the incredible health benefits that it could add to the lives of her loved one. She decided to leave the corporate rat race and focus her energy on sharing her findings that have helped her family overcome health issues, reduce their risks of chronic illness and improve their overall wellbeing.
I loved Christine’s article, and the smoothie recipe is delicious!
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I know it might have been hard to dig deep down into where you really are right now, but your answers with help us to continue to provide you with amazing information and advice with articles form a variety of amazing women (just like Christine, above).
If you haven’t yet had a chance to , and you want help with a specific problem (or just want to improve your wellbeing generally), why not head over and do it now.
I love the idea but wondered if there is an alternative to kale, as for those of us with under-active thyroids is known as a goitrogen & to be avoided in it’s raw state.
Hi Lesley,
Thank you for your comment.
You could simply leave out the kale althogether, or you could replace it with another leafy green, like swiss chard, for example.
I hope this helps. Do let us know how you get on with the recipe!
Sami x