Article by: Sami Blackford
Picture credit: Pinterest
We’re heading into autumn here in the UK, and as the weather gets colder, you may find your skin feeling drier than usual, and asking for a little something extra. That’s why (as you may have noticed if you follow our or ) we’ve made September our month to spotlight dry skin.
Dry skin is a very common problem, especially as we age. In just a few years, our youthful glow can turn into a dry, dull, flaky complexion. Your skin feels tight, parched and flaky – and slapping on the moisturiser doesn’t seem to help. So we slather ourselves in heavy creams, lotions and potions in the hope that they’ll hold the key to softer skin.
Dry skin appears in a multitude of forms. In the mildest cases, skin has a taut look and there may be mild flaking. In more severe cases, you will experience itching, red or white patches of skin, cracking, bleeding, severe tightness and pain – and this may be a result of eczema or psoriasis.
Skin has its own natural elasticity – enabling it to stretch and move as you do, but dryness will reduce this elasticity and lead to other skin problems such as wrinkles and stretch marks.
What causes dry skin?
Dry skin has many possible causes. It can be triggered by central heating indoors and cold weather outdoors, or by sun damage – sunbathing for long periods of time, even with sun block, can dehydrate your epidermis (the outer layer of your skin). Other external causes for dry skin include excessive washing or using harsh foaming products that strip away your skin’s natural barrier (they usually contain a skin irritant ingredient called Sodium Lauryl Sulphate).
Internally the condition can be caused by under-active sebaceous glands, which create the natural oils in your skin. It can also be a sign of illness, malnutrition or a side effect of medication. In all cases, you must keep your hydration levels up inside and out to help the skin’s natural barrier repair itself. Every chemical process that takes place in the body relies on you being hydrated.
Are your skin care products hurting instead of helping?
Many products on the shelf today, which are marketed to dry skin, contain harsh artificial chemicals, fragrances, colourants, antibacterial agents, and other harmful ingredients that damage your skin’s protective layer and strip away natural oils. Dry skin products contain a long list of chemicals which can leave skin slick and greasy in an attempt to hide the symptoms of dry skin, and the use of artificial moisturisers (in conventional lotions) only masks dry skin symptoms, which can result in more dry skin.
Freyaluna natural skincare products do not contain any harsh chemicals or irritants. The nourishing antioxidant- and vitamin-rich ingredients make them the ideal dry skin care products because they moisturise and nourish deep-down to leave skin soft and supple.
Our Shed Your Skin facial range is specifically formulated for dry and dehydrated skin. These products use a blend of benzoin, neroli and palmarosa, as well as some other gorgeous ingredients like jojoba and avocado oils, to help restore the water balance of your skin and stimulate the production of sebum – your skin’s own natural oil.
If you’re experiencing dry skin on your body, take a look at a previous article I wrote, all about the benefits of using cocoa butter to treat dry skin – What cocoa butter can do for your skin. Because of its natural make-up and its high nutrient and fatty acid content, cocoa butter is amazing for dry skin and can actually penetrate further than the top layer of the skin, meaning it moisturises deep-down and really nourishes the skin.
Eating for dry skin
When dealing with dry skin, it’s important that skincare is an inside job as much as it’s an outside one. As I always say – healthy skin has to do with so much more than just the toiletries and cosmetics you use.
If your diet is deficient in vitamins A, C or B complex, then dry skin can be the result. Plus, because the natural oils of the skin are largely unsaturated, a diet rich in unsaturated fatty acids (found in nuts and seeds, olives, avocados, salmon, tuna, and oils such as olive, sesame, soybean, and peanut) are needed to keep skin moist.
Vitamin A is necessary for natural skin growth and repair, and pantothenic acid (known as vitamin B5, this water-soluble vitamin acts as an antioxidant, and is found in lentils, egg yolks, peas, liver, whole grains, and corn) is required for the synthesis of fats and oils essential for proper skin function.
So, as we transition into autumn and winter, listen to what your skin is asking for… maybe you need to drink an extra glass of water each day, or increase the amount of essential fatty acids in your diet… or maybe your skin wants you to steer clear of foaming face washes and opt instead for a gentle cream cleanser, or try a more nourishing moisturiser.
Speak soon,
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