The Lowdown on Acne

Whether you have a severe case, or just get one big spot every now and then, acne can be just as traumatic and embarrassing.

What is acne?

I have trawled the internet far and wide, and have found many definitions of what acne is, but the simplest, and the one that makes most sense to me is this…

Acne is simply your body’s way of getting rid of physical or emotional toxins through your skin.

So really, acne is a good thing in a way, because your body is expelling toxins that you really don’t want inside your body!

Of course, we would all like these toxins to be removed in healthier ways, even better if there are fewer toxins to begin with!

How can I get rid of my acne?

Most people believe that acne is due to uncleanliness or not washing enough.

It’s not.

People also tend to think that to cure acne, you simply need to find the ‘right’ skincare product or routine.

While skincare does play a part, there are many things you need to consider.

Here is a quick rundown of what helps…

  • Stop picking! Picking and squeezing your spots only makes it worse – you are spreading the bacteria around your face, and you will be left with scares that will last a lot longer than the spot itself.
  • Skincare – use gentle products that are non-comedogenic (meaning they won’t block your pores). Don’t use harsh products that will scrub away the natural balance of your skin and strip away all the oil. Your skin does need some oil to function properly!
  • Diet – try to cut out any foods you are allergic or intolerant to. Try to cut down on ‘bad’ foods such as refined sugar, processed food, fried foods, fizzy drinks, bad fats… I think you get the picture!
  • Diet – try to include lots of ‘good’ foods in your diet, like fresh fruit and vegetables, good fats (omegas 3,6,9), anti-oxidants, water.
  • Reduce stress – stress can muck up your whole system! It can weaken your immune system, mess up your digestive system, and really screw-up your hormones and emotions.

Until next time,

Much love from Sami x

Posted in Skincare Tagged acne, Beauty, diet, health, lifestyle, natural, skincare, Women permalink

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