4 Steps to Treating PMT Acne

I know I’m normally a Friday blogger, but just had to put this out there for any of you who may be suffering with me!

This may be a bit of an over-share, but it’s just come around to my ‘time of the month’. Any ladies out there (and men if they’ve been unfortunate to be on the receiving end of it) may well know my pain (quite literally), when I tell you my PMT is awful, unbelievable, terrible, dreadful, beastly, or any other adjective you’d like to add!

I get cramps like you wouldn’t believe, feel nauseous, just generally don’t want to get out of bed, and to top it all off, I also tend to get PMT acne.

As you probably already know, it’s those darn hormones that cause all the trouble!

Hormones regulate every function in your body.

When your hormones are in balance you feel great! You have bags of energy, sleep like a baby, your sex drive is strong, you’re thinking straight, you look wonderful, your immune and digestive systems function well, and your weight is stable!

Hormone imbalance, then, has the ability to mess up every function in your body, including causing acne.

So here they are…

4 steps to treating PMT acne;

  • Reduce stress – high stress levels will elevate PMT. Reducing stress will, of course, not only help to ease PMT, but will also help improve your skin, body and life in general.
  • Eat better – I don’t mean to go on a diet, just eat better/healthier – include plenty of wholefoods, fresh fruit and vegetables, protein and good fats in your diet. Reduce the amount of refined sugar you consume. Even just small changes can make a difference. Avoid caffeine, especially around your period, as it can increase stress levels.
  • Consider supplements – even a great diet can be lacking in essential nutrients, such as good fats (e.g. fish oils, evening primrose oil, flaxseed oil), which can help with reducing PMT and PMT acne. Visit a naturopath or health food shop for advice.
  • Exercise regularly – I know that when you’ve got that ‘don’t even want to get out of bed’ feeling, exercise is probably the last thing you want to do, but it really does help. I just walked to the shops and back (around 20 – 30 minutes) and feel a lot better for it. Walking, swimming, and yoga all help to reduce PMT by reducing stress. But be careful, sometime intensive workouts can increase PMT and PMT acne.

So there you have it… My super-quick guide to treating PMT and PMT acne.

Oh, and as an added bonus, I feel it is my duty to give you this little tip… If you, like me, suffer from period cramps, try staying clear of cold drinks. I know it can be difficult when the weather is so warm, but the cold can exacerbate cramps. Try drinking warm drinks. I especially recommend herbal teas.

I’d love to hear what you think, so please drop a comment below.

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4 Steps to Treating PMT Acne — 2 Comments

  1. Hi, Just popped over from Folksy.

    I know some people think its airy fairy but try wearing a hematite ring (preferably) on the ring finger of your left hand.

    Also a wiccan friend told me that some believe that if you do something creative during the days when you are ovulating and more fertile your cramps won’t be so bad. This is the Mother part of your cycle and doing something creative i.e. giving birth to something means the ‘crone’ part of your cycle won’t be so bad. I know sounds mad but a good excuse to sit with your stash right? ‘Darling I can’t do the hoovering I have to craft or I’ll get really bad PMT and you don’t really want that… do you?’

    Great post thanks


  2. Hi Emma,

    That’s really interesting. And such a good way of getting out of the housework!

    Thanks for sharing.



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